The Pumping Class (Currently Idle)
This class taught by Angela covers pumps, handling and storing breastmilk, bottle introduction,
talking to your employer and maintaining supply, along with other concerns you have.
Bring your pump if you like!
A convenient storage system will be shown so moms will be able to make their own.
A gift certificate for a phone consultation (worth $10.00) will be given to each mom
attending in case you have questions once back to work.
The class fee is $30.00 to be paid in advance in order to hold your spot in the class as class size is limited.
For more details please Contact Angela.
2023 CLASS DATES (6-7:30 PM)
February 7th
May 23rd
August 1
November 14
*Please note that refunds will be granted in certain circumstances,
but 15% of the payment will be withheld to cover administrative costs.*